What is Music Therapy?

There are many definitions of music therapy available out there! The way I describe this service is using music to help people reach their goals. Because music can unlock particularly tender emotions and experiences, it’s important that the clinician be knowledgeable and equipped with the necessary tools to support clients. 

“Music therapy is the professional use of music and its elements as an intervention in medical, educational, and everyday environments with individuals, groups, families, or communities who seek to optimize their quality of life and improve their physical, social, communicative, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual health and wellbeing. Research, practice, education, and clinical training in music therapy are based on professional standards according to cultural, social, and political contexts” (WFMT, 2011).

What’s the difference between a regular voice lesson and a therapeutic voice lesson?

Singing can be inherently therapeutic, which is why traditional voice lessons might make a student feel good. In a therapeutic voice lesson, you can get all the fun benefits of singing, AND explore your relationship with your voice. We’ll work together to set goals like gaining confidence, using music as a tool for self-expression, advocating for your needs, etc. Through our therapeutic process and the therapeutic relationship, we will work together to reach your musical and non-musical goals.

Is singing through Zoom the same as singing in person? Will I still benefit?

Virtual musical experiences are still beneficial! Audio technology has advanced enough to hear each other clearly and with little lag. A unique benefit to singing virtually, especially within the virtual circle singing, is that you can turn your microphone off when you don’t want to be heard - allowing you the full benefit of singing with others even if you’re not ready to share your own voice.

How much do your services cost?

Individual therapeutic voice lessons cost $120 per session. I offer sliding scale spots, which are currently all full. To be added to the sliding scale waitlist, click here. Virtual Circle Singing events are donation-based and no one is turned away for lack of funds. This, and many other resources on this site, are ways to engage in voice work without the same financial and time investment as ongoing individual therapy.

Do you offer music therapy supervision?

At this time, no! If you’re a creative arts therapist seeking support, you can get connected with Peer Support Network for Creative Arts Therapists to find additional resources.