Available Services

Express yourself with your voice to find relief, joy, and calm in this quarterly group. For 90 minutes, we’ll warm up our voices, explore vocal improvisation, learn some songs, and create together. There are 10 spots available in each group, and you don’t need any prior musical experience to participate! To learn more and sign up, click the button below!

Virtual Circle Singing

Explore your voice in a safe, supportive environment. Using music therapy-informed techniques, you’ll discover your authentic voice, grow your confidence, and gain a stronger connection to yourself. Prior music or singing experience is not required. Click below to learn more and schedule a consultation to get started.

Therapeutic Voice Lessons

Happening bi-weekly at Brownstone Station Wellness Center! Explore your breath and voice through drop-in classes! This class is for anyone who wants to connect with their voice and no previous singing or music experience is required. We will focus on various breathing and voice exercises, meditation, and movement. Be sure to wear comfortable clothes, bring a water bottle, journal, open heart, and open mind. Your excitement, fear, and curiosity are all welcome here and will be treated with unconditional care.

In Person Group Classes