Therapeutic Voice Lessons

In this 50-minute space, I will provide support, guidance, and care as you explore your voice using a number of tools such as warm-ups, meditation, sing-a-longs, songwriting, vocal improvisation, and more. If this sounds scary or intimidating - that makes sense. Using our voices and allowing ourselves to be heard can be scary. Your fears are welcome here and will be treated with unconditional care.

This is for you if you:

have ever felt like words were caught in your throat

want to better connect with your emotions

have felt your voice was “too quiet”

don’t like the sound of your own voice

have tried every calming technique but just can’t seem to relax

Goal areas we can work on:

Learning relaxation techniques

Building awareness of physical and emotional self

Gaining self-confidence

Increasing self-esteem

Discovering your authentic voice

Liking your voice

Speaking and singing louder

…and more!

Together, we will customize your goals based on what best serves your needs.

Are you ready to begin your voice journey?

Schedule your FREE 30-minute trial lesson to get started!