Defining Love

I did a loving-kindness meditation when I woke up this morning and it was hard. I was invited to find aspects of my present self that I appreciate and am proud of. I could name a few things but didn’t feel the love. Intellectually I know there’s lots to appreciate and be proud of, but I can only think of them. I don’t feel a warmth radiating from my body when I think of myself like I do when I think of others I love. It got me thinking – I know how I define loving others, but how do I define loving myself?

To me, loving others means choosing them. Means acting and speaking in ways that enhance our connection, and us as individuals. It means following paths together, however long or short they may be.

But what does it mean to love me? I suppose it’s making choices to support my well-being. It’s caring for and nourishing myself. It’s accepting every part of me, no matter how dark or scary or silly. Loving me is accepting me.

How do you define loving yourself? Is this something you’ve thought of before?


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