What is Resilience?

A rubber ball bouncing back

Moving every which way, hitting walls and ceilings 

No patterns just always bouncing back

But what if I was made of putty? 

I still bounce, and sometimes I rest

I can retain my shape, or I can be shifted, molded, dented, flattened 

What if resilience isn’t about bouncing back? 

What if it’s about existing? 

Existing in spite of the challenges 

What if it’s about our ability to keep going

Resilience is existing and going and moving and molding and allowing ourselves to change shape when necessary

Allowing ourselves to slow down, to move differently

Allowing ourselves to let go of “bouncing back”

Allowing ourselves to be shaped 

Allowing ourselves to be and feel and accept


And are we born with it? No. 

We gather it. 

We gather our strength and curiosity and desire to live

We gather our past – and all the times we’ve been shaped before

We harvest the seeds we’ve sown

We harvest the resilience, which has been growing and growing and grows


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